miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010


I'm sure everyone knows about this band, more probably through radio and then people have their CDs because they are amazing and from my poit of view the are one of the best band in the word. I heard them on the radio a lot time ago, and I liked them very much, every song are special and beatiful.
But, did you ever wondered about them? They are an alternative rock band formed in London in 1997. The members are: Chris Martin (vocalist and guitarist), Jon Buckland (lead guitarist), Guy Berryman (bassist) and Will Champion (drummer, backing vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist, completing the lineup).
For me, their songs are very special, like I've just said it, and they are also very nice. My favourite are: "Violet hill", "Shiver", "The hardest part", "Lovers in Japan", "Lost"...and a lot more like "Trouble", "Clocks" and so on.

Martin spoke out against the U.S. invasion of Iraq in  2003, and endorsed the United States Democratic presidencial candidates John Kerry and Barack Obama in 2004 and 2008.
In June 2009, Coldplay began supporting Meat Free Monday, a food campaign started by Paul McCartney, which tries to help climate change by having at least one meat free day a week
They donate and help vulnerable children and young people in London, so they try to be helpful as they can.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

"Silversun Pickups"

The next band that I'll talk about is "Silversun Pickups". I knew about them one day when my cousin found a mobile phone. We started to gossip it and we found some songs from this group. I really liked them because their music relax me and also their lyrics are quiet strange.
They are an indie alternative rock band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 2002. The band comprises lead vocalist and guitarist Brian Aubert, vocalist and bassist Nikki Monninger, drummer Christopher Guanlao and keyboardist Joe Lester. My favourite member is Nikki, she plays very well the bass. It has a sound that relax you and can be very energetic, too.
My favourite songs are: "Three seed", "Little lover's so polite", "Rusted wheel", "Future foe scenarios", "Lazy Eye", and a lot more. The first that I heard was "Lazy eye".
I'm very glad to know about their fantastic music. Moreover, I don't know more people who know them.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010


First of all, I will tell you what will be my blog about. I want to write about my  favourite groups or singers, I will write which are they, why I like them  and how I knew about them.
I'll or I'll try to tell about one group or singer every week. I'll also show you some photos and songs if you don't know anything about them.
So, let's begin...
The first group I'll talk about is "Love of Lesbian". It's a pop-rock indie group formed in Barcelona in 1996. They started singing in English, but later they prefered to change, so they started to write in Spanish.
They have 3 CDs in English and 3 more in Spanish, which are brilliant.
There are a lot of songs I like, "Noches reversibles", "Colores de una sombra", "Me amo", "1999", "Algunas plantas", "Las malas lenguas", "Mon petit cabroin"...
I knew about them by a friend two years ago, the first song I heard was "Niña imantada", I loved it!
The lider is Santi Balmes, he writes all their songs, and in my opinios they are really good.
Here, I show some photos.